Monday, February 22, 2016

How to Convert Numbers To Arabic Word ( VB )

Convert Numbers To Words


In this article, I will talk about converting numbers to written words in Arabic (Tafqeet as pronounced in Arabic).


After googling for while on 'number to arabic words' to find a code to use in SSRS reports, I found a code that was written in SQL that does the converting purpose but unfortunately this code is not supported by CRM because we will manipulate the database.

Then, I googled again to find a VB code to use it with SSRS itself, but with no luck.

Finally, the following code was written to support VB to use it in SSRS directly without manipulating the database, also you can you change the currency that will be used as shown below.

Use The Code

Invoke 'ToArabicLetter' function with the value that you want to convert for example:

ToArabicLetter('1234.12345'); //الف ومئتان واربعة وثلاثون جنيه مصري واثنى عشر قرشا فقط لا غير

Change Currency

Locate 'NumberAsCurrency' & 'FractionAsCurrency'  function and change what currency you want.

    Public Function NumberAsCurrency(ByVal givenNumber As Double) As String
        Dim Number, Currency As String

        Number = SFormatNumber(givenNumber)

        Select Case CDbl(givenNumber)
            Case Is = Nothing : Currency = ""
            Case Is = 2 : Currency = " جنيهان مصريان"
            Case 3 To 10 : Currency = " جنيهات مصرية"
            Case Else : Currency = " جنيه مصري"
        End Select

        NumberAsCurrency = Currency

    End Function

    Public Function FractionAsCurrency(ByVal givenNumber As Double) As String
        Dim Fractions, Currency As String

        Fractions = SFormatNumber(givenNumber)

        Select Case CDbl(givenNumber)
            Case Is = Nothing : Currency = ""
            Case Is = 2 : Currency = " قرشان"
            Case 3 To 10 : Currency = " قروش"
            Case Else : Currency = " قرشا"
        End Select

        FractionAsCurrency = Currency

    End Function

To Use it with SSRS

Open SSRS>Right click> Report Proprieties> Locate 'Code' tab> then paste the code

Add Code To SSRS

Source Code
    Public Function ToArabicLetter(ByVal givenNumber As Double) As String
        Dim FinalOutput, Number, NumberCurrency, Fractions, FractionsCurrency As String
        Dim Tafkeet = " فقط لا غير"

        Dim WholeNumber() As String = Split(givenNumber, ".")

        NumberCurrency = NumberAsCurrency(WholeNumber(0))
        FinalOutput = NumberCurrency

        If WholeNumber.Length >= 2 Then
            If WholeNumber(1).Length.Equals(1) Then
                WholeNumber(1) = WholeNumber(1) + "0"
            ElseIf WholeNumber(1).Length > 2 Then
                WholeNumber(1) = WholeNumber(1).Substring(0, 2)
            End If

            FractionsCurrency = FractionAsCurrency(WholeNumber(1))
            FinalOutput = FinalOutput + " و" + FractionsCurrency
        End If

            If FinalOutput <> Nothing And FinalOutput <> "" Then
                FinalOutput = FinalOutput + Tafkeet
            End If

            ToArabicLetter = FinalOutput
    End Function

    Public Function SFormatNumber(ByVal X As Double) As String

        Dim Letter1, Letter2, Letter3, Letter4, Letter5, Letter6 As String
        Dim c As String = Format(Math.Floor(X), "000000000000")
        Dim C1 As Double = Val(Mid(c, 12, 1))
        Select Case C1
            Case Is = 1 : Letter1 = "واحد"
            Case Is = 2 : Letter1 = "اثنان"
            Case Is = 3 : Letter1 = "ثلاثة"
            Case Is = 4 : Letter1 = "اربعة"
            Case Is = 5 : Letter1 = "خمسة"
            Case Is = 6 : Letter1 = "ستة"
            Case Is = 7 : Letter1 = "سبعة"
            Case Is = 8 : Letter1 = "ثمانية"
            Case Is = 9 : Letter1 = "تسعة"
        End Select

        Dim C2 As Double = Val(Mid(c, 11, 1))
        Select Case C2
            Case Is = 1 : Letter2 = "عشر"
            Case Is = 2 : Letter2 = "عشرون"
            Case Is = 3 : Letter2 = "ثلاثون"
            Case Is = 4 : Letter2 = "اربعون"
            Case Is = 5 : Letter2 = "خمسون"
            Case Is = 6 : Letter2 = "ستون"
            Case Is = 7 : Letter2 = "سبعون"
            Case Is = 8 : Letter2 = "ثمانون"
            Case Is = 9 : Letter2 = "تسعون"
        End Select

        If Letter1 <> "" And C2 > 1 Then Letter2 = Letter1 + " و" + Letter2
        If Letter2 = "" Or Letter2 Is Nothing Then
            Letter2 = Letter1
        End If
        If C1 = 0 And C2 = 1 Then Letter2 = Letter2 + "ة"
        If C1 = 1 And C2 = 1 Then Letter2 = "احدى عشر"
        If C1 = 2 And C2 = 1 Then Letter2 = "اثنى عشر"
        If C1 > 2 And C2 = 1 Then Letter2 = Letter1 + " " + Letter2
        Dim C3 As Double = Val(Mid(c, 10, 1))
        Select Case C3
            Case Is = 1 : Letter3 = "مائة"
            Case Is = 2 : Letter3 = "مائتان"
            Case Is > 2 : Letter3 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(SFormatNumber(C3), Len(SFormatNumber(C3)) - 1) + "مائة"
        End Select
        If Letter3 <> "" And Letter2 <> "" Then Letter3 = Letter3 + " و" + Letter2
        If Letter3 = "" Then Letter3 = Letter2

        Dim C4 As Double = Val(Mid(c, 7, 3))
        Select Case C4
            Case Is = 1 : Letter4 = "الف"
            Case Is = 2 : Letter4 = "الفان"
            Case 3 To 10 : Letter4 = SFormatNumber(C4) + " آلاف"
            Case Is > 10 : Letter4 = SFormatNumber(C4) + " الف"
        End Select
        If Letter4 <> "" And Letter3 <> "" Then Letter4 = Letter4 + " و" + Letter3
        If Letter4 = "" Then Letter4 = Letter3
        Dim C5 As Double = Val(Mid(c, 4, 3))
        Select Case C5
            Case Is = 1 : Letter5 = "مليون"
            Case Is = 2 : Letter5 = "مليونان"
            Case 3 To 10 : Letter5 = SFormatNumber(C5) + " ملايين"
            Case Is > 10 : Letter5 = SFormatNumber(C5) + " مليون"
        End Select
        If Letter5 <> "" And Letter4 <> "" Then Letter5 = Letter5 + " و" + Letter4
        If Letter5 = "" Then Letter5 = Letter4

        Dim C6 As Double = Val(Mid(c, 1, 3))
        Select Case C6
            Case Is = 1 : Letter6 = "مليار"
            Case Is = 2 : Letter6 = "ملياران"
            Case Is > 2 : Letter6 = SFormatNumber(C6) + " مليار"
        End Select
        If Letter6 <> "" And Letter5 <> "" Then Letter6 = Letter6 + " و" + Letter5
        If Letter6 = "" Then Letter6 = Letter5

        SFormatNumber = Letter6

    End Function

    Public Function NumberAsCurrency(ByVal givenNumber As Double) As String
        Dim Number, Currency As String

        Number = SFormatNumber(givenNumber)

        If Number <> "" And Number <> Nothing And givenNumber <= 2 Then
            If Number.StartsWith("واحد") Then
                Number = Number.Substring(4)
            ElseIf Number.StartsWith("اثنان") Then
                Number = Number.Substring(5)
            End If
        End If

        Select Case CDbl(givenNumber)
            Case Is = Nothing : Currency = ""
            Case Is = 2 : Currency = " جنيهان مصريان"
            Case 3 To 10 : Currency = " جنيهات مصرية"
            Case Else : Currency = " جنيه مصري"
        End Select

        NumberAsCurrency = Number + " " + Currency

    End Function

    Public Function FractionAsCurrency(ByVal givenNumber As Double) As String
        Dim Fractions, Currency As String

        Fractions = SFormatNumber(givenNumber)

        If Fractions <> "" And Fractions <> Nothing And givenNumber <= 2 Then
            If Fractions.StartsWith("واحد") Then
                Fractions = Fractions.Substring(4)
            ElseIf Fractions.StartsWith("اثنان") Then
                Fractions = Fractions.Substring(5)
            End If
        End If

        Select Case CDbl(givenNumber)
            Case Is = Nothing : Currency = ""
            Case Is = 2 : Currency = " قرشان"
            Case 3 To 10 : Currency = " قروش"
            Case Else : Currency = " قرشا"
        End Select

        FractionAsCurrency = Fractions + " " + Currency

    End Function

Monday, February 1, 2016

MSCRM 2015 – the specified database has a later version

In certain case, you want to repair CRM application, but If you installed Rollup then uninstalled it, the following error will be prompted to you if you tried to repair CRM “the specified database has a later version”.

This happens because CRM sees a later version. If we query to see the versions, the following will be shown

Query applied:
SELECT buildversion,*
FROM   configurationmetadata
ORDER  BY configurationmetadata.buildversion DESC 

But I know that i uninstalled Rollup 0.1 and 0.2, so the current version for CRM would be
So, we need to make the other two older than by applying the following query

UPDATE configurationmetadata
SET    buildversion = ''
WHERE  buildversion = '' OR buildversion = '' 

Finally, if you start the repairing now, everything should be fine